Saturday, June 30, 2012

Symbol Musik

On books or sheet music piano, you'll find lots of piano symbols, words or abbreviations. Composer makes it easy for you to know how to play the song. many who do not know the meaning of terms of music.

dynamic signs to determine how slow or hard at play

Pianissimo = very soft

piano = soft

mezzo piano = half or moerately soft

mezzo forte = half or moerately loud

forte = loud

fortissimo = very loud

sometimes written, abbreviated cresc, or written as a sign of hard play

Diminuendo : sometimes written, abbreviated decresc, or written as a sign of a more gentle play.

Partitur Musik Klasik

Friday, June 29, 2012

kinds of musical signs

There are many signs on the songs, maybe we've never heard of them. signs will be discussed here that we rarely hear.

A tempo
a tempo : play the same speed when you start playing the song

coda : the final phrase of a song

D.S. al coda 
should continue to the end of the song, back in       marker, play up    
From there, go to Coda, without any lag when moving around in the songs.

 Fermata : last longer than usual. A silly but easy way to keep in mind that Fermata make a note which will be held approximately twice as long as usual.


legato : 

itself has several different meanings, one based on the flow of Italian music and the other based on the flow of German music. On the flow of Italian, singing legato means a combination of several successive notes at a time, while the German school to sing legato means as quickly as possible from one note to the next tone without interruption at a time.

Oktaf, or 8va: play an octave higher or lower.

Poco : written before the words mean little.

Ritardando : Often abbreviated as rit, played and gradually slows down.

Sforzando : play the notes of a sudden, very loud and clear.

Staccato  means to make a slow and separate records.

Tenuto mark : tap into the note, giving full value. Give emphasis additional notes by simply emphasizing the value of the count.

Tremolo : play the notes back and forth as fast as you can

Tempo On Piano

Tempo is usually marked at the top of the piano song, before you start, sometimes the song will change the tempo in the middle of the song. The composer will write when to change speeds. There is no special sign for the tempo simply written as follows :

Adagio: slowly

Andante: walking speed

Moderato: moderate tempo

Allegretto: rather fast

Allegro: fast and lively, cheerfully

Vivace: very fast